Not all charities have the same needs, and there’s a multitude of reasons why charities may struggle to achieve their goals. Some of these are obvious, whilst others are more nuanced and complex.
Having worked at senior leadership levels in several charities, there’s a good chance I’ve faced and successfully overcome many of the same challenges holding a charity back.
Whatever the challenges, I’m here to listen to an organisation’s needs and work collaboratively to develop effective strategies and tactics to help take the charity forwards. Here are some of the key areas I can help with:
With over 20 years of experience at CEO and Director level, I can step into your organisation on a short-term basis as your Interim CEO / Director. This may include:
Covering an unexpected absence
Needing a ‘safe pair of hands’ until your permanent hire starts
Maternity/Paternity leave cover
Supporting your organisation through a period of change
Navigating your organisation through a significant challenge
Developing and delivering new services
I can help when a project needs to move forward but is held back due to a lack of experience or resources.
This includes:
Scoping projects
Project management
Transformation projects (small to large scale)
Stakeholder Management
Post-pandemic planning
Supporting new CEOs and Trustees
Developing process and systems
Fundraising Campaigns
Creating a positive work culture that develops & retains the best
Charities can get stuck in a rut doing things the same old ways and not going anywhere. I help organisations see things from a fresh perspective, develop new approaches and capabilities and overcome tough challenges. For example:
Understanding a charity’s purpose and vision and developing a strategy to support it
Setting short/medium/long terms goals to ensure focus and collaboration across the organisation
Post-pandemic planning in this ‘new normal’
Fundraising strategy to drive income
Service reviews to ensure needs are being met in the best way possible
Measuring and evidencing impact to support funding asks
Executive Coaching
I’m driven to help senior leadership teams, individuals, and organisations thrive, helping them unlock their potential. The benefits of executive coaching include:
Helping leaders identify their strengths and areas of development
Enhancing an individual’s performance and output
Empowering senior managers to make decisions and own them
Enabling leaders to set realistic goals
Supporting leaders to overcome obstacles and challenges
Helping leaders feel listened to and valued
Helping people to see things from a fresh perspective